About Us

Meet the Flavor Master

Elisha's love for food began at his mother's side. Watching her transform ingredients into culinary delights sparked a lifelong passion for experimentation. Sure, his early attempts might have involved a dash of red Kool-Aid powder on a steak (bold move!), but that adventurous spirit is what fuels Little Family Foods today. 

From Family Food to Festival Favorite

Fast forward to adulthood, and Elisha whips up an incredible flavor bomb for his family. One day, inspired for a spicy chicken sandwich creation, he comes up a sauce so good, his wife Christy insisted he finally write down the recipe (a recurring theme!). That sauce, now known as All-Sauce, became an instant hit with family, friends, and even high school students (who apparently appreciate a good sauce on everything, even apples! High school students can be interesting.).

A Community Effort

Encouraged by his sister Rachel's suggestion, Elisha planned to sell All-Sauce at a local festival. Then, a conversation with a missionary, Spencer Smith (who, let's be honest, asked all the right questions about scaling up) planted the seed for Little Family Foods. It was time to come up with a larger batch recipe, secure an llc, purchase a site, find a commercial kitchen and so much more. 

From Kitchen to Website

What began as a passion for flavor has blossomed into a family endeavor. Hundreds of hours of research, recipe tweaking, and label design later, Little Family Foods is born! We're a Christian-owned small business, fueled by a love of good food and a desire to share our unique sauces and seasonings with the world.